Iosif Ton interzis la RVE

Iosif Ton interzis la Radio Vocea Evangheliei

Pastorul Iosif Ton unul dintre cei care au pus bazele postului de Radio Vocea Evangheliei a fost interzis la acest post printr-o decizie AGA (Adunarea Generala a Actionarilor). Pozitional Iosif Ton se afla în afara cultelor care sunt de drept proprietarele postului de radio.  Deoarece în urma ultimelor declaratii Iosif Ton se afla mai aproape de penticostali acesta poate fi din nou prezent pe frecventa Vocea Evangheliei doar daca adera la acest cult. Pâna vor fi clarificate lucrurile se pare ca Iosif Ton nu se va mai auzi pe frecventa Vocea Evangheliei din tara.

Sursa: Suceava Evanghelica

2 thoughts on “Iosif Ton interzis la Radio Vocea Evangheliei”

  1. Joseph Cadariu

    How very sad and sick! The constant insults Romanian Christians throw at each other. How proud the respondents to Brother Iosif Ton’s „coming of age” must be…as Baptists…as Pentecostals, I have not heard anyone refer to their positions as „Christians.” We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, but through repentance, we have come to salvation through Christ. There is a great need in Romania for National Repentance! Why don’t you just serve God and leave Fr. Ton and others who have and continue to serve God to the judgment of God. You are not called to judge, but to love. And how will the world know you are Christians? By our backbiting, by your evil insults, by your envy, your pride, your power, your position? Judgment is coming, but the Lord has called us to judge ourselves first. Shame on all of you.

  2. De ce fratele Ton este obligat sa treaca la un alt cult ca sa poata predica la radio ? Dumnezeu tine cont de culte? Eu nu cred. Dumnezeu se uita doar la inima oamenilor. Rusine pentru pocaiti pentru pozitia care au luat-o fata de fratele Ton, indiferent de cult.

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